[:en]Erasmus Party Night Semester Opening(Oct 2 at 9 PM to Oct 16 at 9...

Adress : Ride Club Währinger Gürtel Stadtbahnbogen 175-176, 1090 Vienna, Austria Phone : 0676 3334500 [email protected] Start your exchange Semester with the biggest and best ERASMUS PARTY!!! The Pre-Opening...

[:en]CA Music Experience(Oct 27- 28 at 8:30 pm-06 am)[:de]Ca Music Experience (Okt 27-28 um...

1019 Jazzclub Althanstrasse 14, 1090 Vienna, Austria 01 3101112 [email protected] Facebook Page 1019 Jazzclub Althanstrasse 14, 1090 Vienna, Austria 01 3101112 [email protected] Facebook Page

Brunner Wiesn 2017 – Niederösterreichs größtes Oktoberfest (8-22 September)

If on the 8th of September 2017 the large area of the Business Park Campus21 in Brunn am Gebirge comes to the traditional Bieranstich,...

[:en]World Press Photo 2017- (15.09-22.10.2017)[:de]World Press Photo 2017 – (15.09-22.10.2017)[:]

"From September 15, the world's best press photos will once again be in the seventh district - the Fotomuseum WestLicht Schauplatz from World Press...

Kinder – Kastanienführung(Oct 8 at 11:15 AM – 12:45 PM)

What does the Forchtenstein Castle and the world's oldest chestnut tree have in common? What can be made of chestnut (chestnut and chestnuts)? Interesting...

[:en]Christmas party of the Vienna Dance Kids(December 9 at 5 PM)[:de]Weihnachtsfeier der Vienna Dance...

Haus Der Begegnung Perchtoldsdorfer Straße 1, 1230 Liesing, Wien, Austria Our annual Christmas celebration. Program follows timetable facebook page www.viennadancekids.atHaus Der Begegnung Perchtoldsdorfer Straße 1, 1230 Liesing, Wien, Austria Unsere alljährliche...

Whole Foods, Costco And More: Labor Day Stores Hours Around Vienna

VIENNA, VA—On Labor Day, you may need a quick run to the grocery store to pick up some last-minute food for your end-of-summer cookouts....

OVERDUB presents: Rumble Roses, Metternich, p.o.b(Dec 15 at 8 PM – 11:59 PM)

OVERDUB presents: Rumble Roses, Metternich, P.O.B / 15.12.2017 / REPLUGGED, Lerchenfelderstraße 23, 1070 Wien Show the delivery program Rumble Roses Metternich P.O.B Gate: 20:00 Bands on stage 8:30 pm VVK...